Manage your Android device's location settings

Y'all can employ location-based services such as getting better local search results, similar commute predictions and nearby restaurants based on your telephone's location, when y'all turn location on in settings.

Sympathize the location settings available on your phone

Important: When yous turn off location on your telephone, apps and services can't get your telephone'south location. You lot can still go local results and ads based on your IP address.

Tip: Apps have their own settings. Learn how to manage app location settings.

Turn location on or off for your telephone

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Touch and concord Location .

Help your phone get a more accurate location (Google Location Services a.chiliad.a. Google Location Accurateness)

Turn your phone's location accuracy on or off

When Google Location Accuracy is on

When you take Google Location Accuracy turned on, your phone uses these sources to go the nigh accurate location:

  • GPS
  • Wi-Fi
  • Mobile networks
  • Sensors (such equally accelerometer)

Google may collect location data periodically and utilize this information in an bearding way to improve location accuracy and location-based services.

When Google Location Accuracy is off

When you turn off Google Location Accurateness, your phone uses GPS and sensors, like accelerometer, to determine location. GPS can be slower and less accurate than other sources.

When Google Location Accuracy is off, GPS, Wi-Fi, network, and sensor data are not used or collected by Google Location Accuracy.

For Android 12 and higher, you tin can manage each app's permission to access precise location. This is dissimilar from Google Location Accuracy, which is a location setting for your device that allows your phone to utilize more than sources for the most authentic location.  Even with Google Location Accurateness on, you can grant an app only gauge location permission if y'all don't want to permit it admission to your device'due south precise location.  If yous turn off Google Location Accurateness, apps may not be able to get your device's precise location. Learn how to manage app location permissions.

Ready Wi-Fi & Bluetooth scanning

To help apps get better location info, you can let your phone scan for nearby Wi-Fi admission points or Bluetooth devices.

Android 12 & college

  1. Swipe down from the acme of the screen.
  2. Touch on and concur Location .
  3. Tap Location services.
  4. Turn Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning on or off.

Android xi & lower

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Touch and hold Location .
  3. Tap Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning.
  4. Plow Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning on or off.

Transport your location in an emergency

To assistance first responders find you apace, your phone'southward location tin exist sent when you punch or text an emergency number. For example, dialing 911 in the United states or 112 in Europe.

If Android Emergency Location Service (ELS) works in your country and on your mobile network, and y'all haven't turned off ELS, your telephone will automatically send its location to first responders using ELS. If ELS is off, your mobile carrier may nevertheless ship the device's location during an emergency telephone call or text.

Turn Android Emergency Location Service on or off

You lot tin can plough Emergency Location Service on or off at any time.

How Emergency Location Service works

ELS is just activated when you call or text a local emergency number.

During your emergency call, ELS may employ Google Location Accuracy and other information to get the most authentic location possible for the device.

Your phone sends its location to authorized emergency partners for the purpose of helping emergency services locate yous. Your location is sent directly from your phone to emergency partners.

After a completed emergency telephone call or text during which ELS was active, your phone may send deidentified usage and analytics information to Google for the purpose of analyzing how well ELS works. This information doesn't include the location sent to authorized emergency partners, and doesn't identify you lot.

If you lot apply an older Android version

Cull location settings (Android ix.0)

To change location settings:

  1. Open your device's Settings app.
  2. Tap Security & Location And thenLocation.
    • If you have a work profile, tap Advanced.

Then, cull an option:

Choose location style (Android 4.four—eight.1)

  1. Open your phone'southward Settings app.
  2. Tap Security & Location and then Location.
    • If you don't discover "Security & Location," tap Location.
  3. Tap Mode.
  4. Select a mode:
    • High accurateness: Use GPS, Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors to get the near accurate location. Use Google Location Services to assistance approximate your phone'due south location faster and more accurately.
    • Battery saving: Utilize sources that utilise less battery, similar Wi-Fi and mobile networks. Use Google Location Services to assistance estimate your phone's location faster and more accurately.
    • Device only: Utilise GPS and sensors. Don't use Google Location Services to better location accurateness. This can estimate your phone's location more than slowly and use more battery.

Choose location access (Android 4.1—4.3)

You can control what location data your phone can utilize.

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Under "Personal," tap Location admission.
  3. At the top of the screen, plough Access to my location on or off.
    • When location access is on, selection either or both of:
      • GPS satellites: Lets your telephone estimate its location from satellite signals, similar a GPS device in a car.
      • Wi-Fi & mobile network location: Lets your telephone use Google Location Services to assist estimate its location faster, with or without GPS.
    • When location access is off:
      Your phone can't find its precise location or share it with whatsoever apps.

Tip: If you lot have a tablet that more than ane person uses, each person can have different location access settings.

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